Subplot user guide

By: The Subplot project

2022-11-13 19:59

Table of Contents

  1. 1 Introduction
  2. 2 An overview of acceptance criteria and their verification
  3. 3 Simple example project
  4. 4 Authoring Subplot documents
  5. 5 Extended example project
  6. 6 Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Bash
  7. 7 Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Python
  8. 8 Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Rust
  9. 9 Appendix: Scenario


  • who is this manual for?
  • what is Subplot meant for?
  • who is Subplot meant for?
  • history of Subplot
  • public use cases of Subplot

An overview of acceptance criteria and their verification

  • discuss acceptance criteria vs requirements; functional vs non-functional requirements; automated vs manual testing
  • discuss stakeholders
  • discuss different approaches for verifying that a system meets it criteria
  • discuss how scenarios can be used to verify acceptance criteria

Simple example project

  • discuss how to use Subplot for some simple, but not simplistic, software project
  • discuss different kinds of stakeholders a project may have

Authoring Subplot documents

  • discuss that it may be necessary to have several documents for different audiences, at different levels of abstraction (cf. the FOSDEM safety devroom talk)
  • discuss writing style to target all the different stakeholders
  • discuss mechanics and syntax
    • Markdown and supported features
    • scenarios, embedded files, examples
    • bindings
    • step implementations in various languages
    • embedded markup for diagrams
    • running docgen

Extended example project

  • discuss how to use Subplot for a significant project, but keep it sufficiently high level that it doesn't get too long and tedious to read

Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Bash

  • this appendix will explain how to implement scenario steps using the Bash shell

Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Python

  • this appendix will explain how to implement scenario steps using the Python language

Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Rust

  • this appendix will explain how to implement scenario steps using the Rust language

Appendix: Scenario

This is currently necessary so that codegen won't barf.

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