Subplot user guide

By: The Subplot project

2024-08-19 16:42

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

  • who is this manual for?
  • what is Subplot meant for?
  • who is Subplot meant for?
  • history of Subplot
  • public use cases of Subplot

2 Terminology

In Subplot we use the following terminology:

  • A need (or "want" or "ask" or "request"): what a stakeholder wants from the system at the level they are concerned. This is often fuzzy, vague, and unclear and there may not be any way to verify that is is met.

    This is what a client tells a salesperson during the sales process, or an open source user says in a wishlist bug report.

    For example: a client might ask for the backup program to de-duplicate data in the backups; this is too vague to be implemented with any confidence. It leaves open too many details: what kind of data should be de-duplicated? At what granularity? Should it happen for data across users, and if so, how much can users know about each others' data? Should the de-duplication happen on the client machines, on the server, or only in storage?

  • Acceptance criteria: needs expressed in a way that are clear, unambiguous, and specific, and with a specified way for verifying the criteria are met.

    This is what is nailed down in the contract so that it's clear when payment is due; or what an open source project commits to supporting.

  • Stakeholder: anyone whose opinion about the system matters and who gets to affect what the acceptance criteria are, for their level of involvement. Stakeholders can be involved at various levels in a project. While the levels will vary between projects, they might be something like:

    • very high level: I am the CEO of the client, and I have final say on what we're willing to pay for, and I set the acceptance criteria that the system can back up all our important files on production systems; this will be verified by backing up all our production data.

    • medium level: I am the CTO of the client and I add the following acceptance criteria:

      • backed up data can be restored, verified by restoring a backup and comparing to the original data
      • backups are encrypted, verified by checking the backup for cleartext data
      • a full backup and restore of a terabyte of data takes at most one hour in a setup similar to our intended production systems, verified by measuring the backup and restore of production data
    • low level: I am the security analyst at the client and I add the acceptance criteria that the encryption uses SHA3 for integrity checking and the Ed25519 elliptic curve for encryption and digital signatures; these will be verified by third party inspection

  • Requirements: since acceptance criteria are about the stakeholders accepting the software that gets offered to them, the development organization may use these criteria as a basis from which to derive more granular and specific statements about what the project should do and how to check that it does so. These are the traditional requirements and unit/integration tests which most software developers work with.

3 An overview of acceptance criteria and their verification

  • discuss acceptance criteria vs requirements; functional vs non-functional requirements; automated vs manual testing
  • discuss stakeholders
  • discuss different approaches for verifying that a system meets it criteria
  • discuss how scenarios can be used to verify acceptance criteria

4 Simple example project

  • discuss how to use Subplot for some simple, but not simplistic, software project
  • discuss different kinds of stakeholders a project may have

5 Authoring Subplot documents

  • discuss that it may be necessary to have several documents for different audiences, at different levels of abstraction (cf. the FOSDEM safety devroom talk)
  • discuss writing style to target all the different stakeholders
  • discuss mechanics and syntax
    • Markdown and supported features
    • scenarios, embedded files, examples
    • bindings
    • step implementations in various languages
    • embedded markup for diagrams
    • running docgen

6 Extended example project

  • discuss how to use Subplot for a significant project, but keep it sufficiently high level that it doesn't get too long and tedious to read

7 Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Bash

  • this appendix will explain how to implement scenario steps using the Bash shell

8 Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Python

  • this appendix will explain how to implement scenario steps using the Python language

9 Appendix: Implementing scenario steps in Rust

  • this appendix will explain how to implement scenario steps using the Rust language

10 Appendix: Scenario

This is currently necessary so that codegen won't barf.

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